Friday, February 11, 2011

15 Point Prescription for a Winning Wardrobe

I met Steve Boorstein, the "Clothing Doctor," in a chance encounter about one week ago, and I am thankful for this new resource for fabric care!  Thanks to his expertise, we have some matter-of-fact advice for how to keep our wardrobe fresh.  I think a lot of us have thought about these points but have not really put most into practice.  Some ideas were new to me, and I look forward to a little purge here and there as well as more realistic shopping choices to keep my closet from literally bursting!

Below, I quote Steve's website,, which outlines good planning and care for a winning wardrobe.  I encourage anyone who invests in their wardrobe to go to the site and learn more!  What a resource!

Fashion, personal style, and clothing care are mutually important when building and maintaining a wardrobe. This "Top 15" list will change, over time, but will never stray from the basic premise; we spend too much money on our clothing to not know how to take care of it. I hope you can embrace a few of these suggestions and make them work for you.
  1. Every time you buy a new garment, discard or donate an old one.
  2. Choose a drycleaner for quality, service, convenience, and price - in that order.
  3. Never rub a stain-blot only dab with a dry white napkin.
  4. Show your drycleaner all stains, fabric pills, snags, pressing problems, and minor repairs.
  5. Buy clothing that fits your current body.
  6. Buy clothing that looks great in the store, looks great at home 72 hours later -- and stop buying "maybes."
  7. Apply hairspray, perfume and deodorant before you dress -- let it completely dry.
  8. When you shop, ask yourself, "Is this fabric well-suited for me and for what I do? Will it wear well? Can this fabric be washed at home or will it need professional drycleaning?"
  9. A bargain is only a bargain when quality is part of the package.
  10. Before you reach the cash register, hang the garment, spin it around, and spend two minutes to do the 6-Point Quality CheckTM ; zippers, hooks, hems, seams, shoulder pads, and buttons (Always ask for extra buttons!)
  11. Remove drycleaning plastic but keep the paper shoulder -- covers on each garment.
  12. Use plastic or wooden hangers -- no wire (except on cotton dress shirts).
  13. If you wear only 30% of the clothing in your closet, start weeding out the deadbeats. If not worn for 6 months, move it. 12 months retire it.
  14. If a garment has been lost by your drycleaner, it should be returned or replaced within three weeks.
  15. If a garment is admittedly damaged by the dry cleaner and cannot be repaired to your to your satisfaction, you are entitled to a "like" replacement or a cash settlement within one week.

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