Wednesday, August 24, 2011

reminder: inspiration is pervasive

Lecture at Cornell University
Given by Agnes Martin
January 1972

I want to talk to you about "the work", art work.
I will speak of inspiration, the studio, viewing art work, friends of art and artist's temperaments.
But your interest and mine is really "the work" - works of art.
Art work is very important in the way that I will try to show when I speak about inspiration.
I have sometimes put myself ahead of my work in my mind and have suffered in consequence.
I thought, me, me; and I suffered.
I thought I was important.  I was taught to think that.  I was taught:  "You are important; people are important beyond anything else."
But thinking that I suffered very much.
I thought that I was big and "the work" was small.  It is not  possible to go on that way.  To think I am big and the work is big.  
The position of pride is not possible either.
And to think I am small and the work is small, the position of modesty, is not possible.
I will go on to inspiration and perhaps you will see what is possible.
As I describe inspiration I do not want you to think I am speaking of religion.
That which takes us by surprise - moments of happiness - that is inspiration.  Inspriation which is different from daily care.
Many people as adults are so startled by inspiration which is different from daily care that they think they are unique in having had it.  Nothing could be further from the truth.
Inspritation is there all the time.
For everyone whose mind is not clouded over with thoughts whether they realize it or not.
Most people have no realization whatever of the moments in which they are inspired.
Inspiration is pervasive but not a power.
It's a peaceful thing.
It is a consolation even to plants and animals.
Do not think that it is unique.
If it were unique, no one would be able to respond to your work.
Do not think it is reserved for a few or anything like that.
It is an untroubled mind.
Of course we know that an untroubled state of mind cannot last.  So we say that inspiration comes and goes but really it is there all the time waiting for us to be untroubled again.  We can therefore say that it is pervasive.  Young children are more untroubled than adults and have many more inspirations.  All the moments of inspiration added together make what we call sensibility.  The development of sensibility is the most important thing.  Some parents put the development of social mores ahead of aesthetic development.  Small children are taken to the park for social play; sent to nursery school....  But the little child sitting alone, perhaps even neglected and forgotten, is the one open to inspiration and the development of sensibility.

Monday, August 22, 2011

GroundSwell presents Alan Kitchen

The start of the GroundSwell Gallery's fourth show, There Was No Sound: paintings by Alan Kitchen, lends us great momentum as we are continuing to develop the workings of the Gallery and relationships with artists and the public.  We are proud to have been reviewed by Kyle Macmillan as part of the Denver Post's Art blog and also the Friday, Aug. 19th Entertainment section of the Denver Post.  Congratulations are certainly in order for Alan as his first solo show of paintings has brought him such positive attention.  We confidently anticipate Alan's growth as an artist remembering his proposal for a show with us.  What a joy to receive a proposal with strong conceptual backing for aesthetically solid paintings.  Seeing the paintings in person for the first time, I felt the delight one artist feels for another's good work. 

Denver Post Blog article:

Denver Post: Entertainment.  August 19th article:

As a reminder, GroundSwell Gallery is open every day from 10am to 7pm.  The Gallery is adjacent to GroundSwell Cannabis Boutique and employees there can help you connect with curators Danette Montoya or Rebecca Peebles.  Otherwise, Rebecca and Danette are present in the Gallery every Friday from 12pm - 4pm and can schedule for appointments with interested patrons.  You may contact Rebecca at or Danette at

Tuesday, August 9, 2011

good show!

Dear Kelsey Dalton, Andrew McClellan and Harold Kleeman,

Thank you for your fine work in the gallery for this past month.  As follows, a photo tribute to your awesome work:

Rose Tunezja - Dalton&McClellan, oil on canvas, 29" x 48"

Twinned - Dalton&McClellan, oil on canvas, 48" x 36"

Rose de Sables - Dalton&McClellan, oil on canvas, 16" x 29"

Granny's Crannies Go West - Harold, gypsum, alabaster, plaster installation

Those interested to have more information about these works can contact GroundSwell Gallery curators: Rebecca Peebles (myself) or Danette Montoya at or

And please let us know if you'd like to be added to our email newsletter list to stay updated on our shows and events.