no, I'm not pregnant. silly.

...building a family, hol sum style; I finally took on crocheting a little bird yesterday and finished her this morning. I used a nylon cord for stiffness and also filled her with beans. She stands alone. The silicon birds are still in progress (another one on the way) and the slip-cast birds are still on the radar screen.
Coming up, a little show at Hooked on Colfax (Steele and Colfax, North side of Colfax) with a little opening the second Saturday in June.

I'm actually making a ton of painted bags between now and then. Every bag is hand painted and printed, pattern-designed and sewn by myself. I'm hoping these can be a segue into selling on consignment at some hip little boutiques in the city.
I know, we went to New York, the city, and, lamentably, we forgot our camera. OMG. We were stretched in every direction (as the city requires) as we spent time with family and friends visiting for the Guggenheim show, friends living in the city, and our good friends, Art and Architecture. The short list:
-Guggenheim: Frank Lloyd Wright Retrospective, 50th year anniversary, and reopening (after years of restoration). Christian's work is on display as part of their education program. My good friend Jamie Zander helped with an animated tour through the Taliesin, Spring Green, estate on level 3 of the museum ramp. (Wow Jamie!)
-MOMA: Mira Schendel and Leon Ferrari show, which I talked of already.
Cooper Hewitt Design Museum show on FELT!!! Way to go Molo! Hell yes Andrea Zittel! Jean Nouvel, I want your sofa.
-Ceramic Tiles of Italy, Surface Magazine and the Meat-Packing District Initiative's design tour: That was an amazing block party in honor of contemporary GOOD design. May I add that the MOD FAB was front and center at the 414 Gallery's design show!
-ICFF: International Contemporary Furniture Fair. The world's front running design show for new furniture and such accoutrement.
-Kevin and Marie Butler: Christian's parents, two people of astounding generosity and good taste. Thank you for making this trip to NYC such a beautiful (however exhausting) experience.
-Erik Krautbauer and Grace Stanton: the hostests with the mostests. (I can barely read that out loud) Because of these people we found the local fine eateries and cafes and never felt out of the loop.
-Erik's great artwork and clever artist's statement. (more on that later)
-2 French bakery/cafe's each within 2 blocks of our hotel. Need I say more?
That is actually all I can say for now. This trip was beautiful. Both Christian and I are feeling inspired and bright about our work despite the tiresome wake of this trip.