Monday, April 28, 2008


I'm working on multiple projects these days... Coffee Label, business image, shirt graphics, showing this weekend, personal projects(?). It's been hard to stay oriented. I feel like a pin ball. All this combined with the reawakening that comes with the season, I've been running full steam from wake until sleep. I've been doing a lot of running as the marathon approaches (May 10!) and cycling, and gardening outside. I find it hard to stay in and do art/design work. Nonetheless, it's working out alright.
I'll eventually find a rhythm again.

This coming weekend, my work will be on show again at Lazy Jane's. Specifically for Madison Gallery Night, many Cafes, Yoga Studios, Galleries, Studios, Museums, Municipal spaces will be open from 5 - 9pm to show and celebrate artists of the area! I hope many will take the time to peruse the city and see this local art! More Madison Gallery Night information can be found here:

Thursday, April 24, 2008

future master of color, master of paint

Japhy is one of my students. He's 7. We meet once a week, and sometimes I forget that I am "working." He is my newest small friend and I'm very impressed by his creative inclinations. Most notable are his choices of color and his tactile and active use of media. He thinks he's "not a good artist," but I often remind him of his future mastery and of his present natural abilities. Yesterday, we spent some of our time together using artist's chalk to color the cinder-blocks lining my garden's raised beds. The photograph (up close, above) shows some of our rectangular works. Japhy's are the better ones (in my opinion) - a young Clyfford Still? Today it rained, so I'm happy to have photographed a bit while the colors were still so vibrant. Below, an attempt to photograph the entire colored area.
To be with Japhy and with many other students informs my own design work of color, of texture, of form and composition... I am thankful.


Sunday, April 20, 2008

Tuesday, April 15, 2008


Madison Women Climbers. These shirts are for this fine organization of women climbers that I currently co-chair. I appreciate the opportunity to design for a group I care about. $15/shirt if you're interested in buying... just contact me.

Saturday, April 12, 2008


I'm working consistently on logo/graphics design for various clients. Finding new ones too! It's good to feel like there's steady work. Some clips, you see here.
This week, Mermaid Cafe closes for remodel finishing! Come in next week and see our new looks, large space, and, as ever, amazing coffee, espresso, chai, bakery, sandwiches and salads! Um... YUM!

Wednesday, April 9, 2008

big spender

new toy for Spring... I'd like to say this has something to do with art. In some way it does, but I think I'd have to stretch to talk about why.
One thing I can say, design-wise, there are many bikes simply not worth my money because they are not something I want to proudly show. It's unavoidable for me: If I own it (or spend a wad of cash on it), it has to look close to something I might design myself. I really don't like having, or wearing, or using ugly things.

On a lighter note: See how happy I look?